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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем vader2004, 1 фев 2010.

  1. vader2004

    vader2004 New Member

    Помогите с этим Expressing Yourself Directions: try to copletr the following expressions about yourself. 1) I dream about _______________________________2) I think about _________________________________ 3) I am afraid of _________________________________ 4) I am interested in _____________________ 5) On the weekends I like to ___________________ 6) I am good at _________________________ 7) I am not good at ________________ 8) I am glad when ______________ 9) I am sad when ___________ 10) I don't believe _____________ 11) I have difficulty with ____________ 12) I laugh when ___________ 13) I cry when _________________ 14) I get angry when ____________ 15) I love it when ___________________________________________________
  2. Жендальф

    Жендальф New Member

    1)I dream about a carwhich has a high speed. 2) I think about you day and nights. 3) I am afraid of deep water. 4) I am interested in science fiction. 5) On the weekends I like to sleep. Because on the weekdays I work a lot. 6) I am good at  fascinating girls(boys). 7) I am not good at solving math problems. 8) I am glad when my mother cooks a tasty food. 9) I am sad when swear with someone. 10) I don't believe that there are aliens on Earth. 11) I have difficulty math problems. 12) I laugh when I hear a good joke. 13) I cry when I hear bad news which happened with my relatives. 14) I get when angry under pressure. 15) I love it when it rains. Воот)) Но я ведь не знаю твою натуру)

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