Привет всем!Кому не...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Olii, 4 фев 2010.

  1. Olii

    Olii New Member

    Привет всем!Кому не трудно пожалуйста напишите правила поведения в моей комнате!С использованием must mustn`t иcant
  2. PeTrOsYaN

    PeTrOsYaN New Member

    1.You must clean your room regulary.
    2.You can't be cast away your clothes.
    3.You mustn't break things.
    4.You can't eat in your room.
    5.You mustn't draw on the walls.
    6.You must keep your books on the shelf in your room.
    7.You can't stik posters on the wall.
    8.You mustn't spill water in your room.
    9. You mustn't shout in your room.
    10.You can't listen music very loud. 

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