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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем CUCIK-2, 9 мар 2010.

  1. CUCIK-2

    CUCIK-2 New Member

    Привет помоги пожалуйста очень-очень срочнозадание: What is going to happen ?Write down.EXAMPIE : You and your friends got an invitation letter from English students .You (visit) /
    Great Britain .-- We are going to visit Great Britain.
    1)Linda has a toothache (зубная боль).She (see) the dentist .--
    2) a group of boys decided to arrange a picnic. They (have) anice time .--
    3)Andrew has a little sister. But his parents are busy today. He (stay) with his sister .--
    4) It's the weekend. It's sunny and warm. We (walk) park. --
    5)British stydents would like to come to Russia in October. We (invite) them. --
  2. Artem

    Artem New Member

    1. ... She is going to see the dentist.
    2. They are going to have a nice time.
    3. He is going to stay with her sister.
    4. We are going to walk in the park.
    5. We are going to invite them.

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