
Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Malush_Ka, 17 янв 2010.

  1. Malush_Ka

    Malush_Ka New Member

    Проверти сочинение........пожалуйста)Проверти сочинение........пожалуйста) Можно, что нибудь, добавить от себя. Если считаете нужным.

    I live in Semiluki. The city is located on the righ bank of the river Don. In our town there are attractions. For example there is a Monument to Soviet pilots. As well we have a regional museum. But one of the best monuments is a monemets to the soldiers- aviators of the 2nd Air Army of the Voronezh Front.
  2. Ma-Masya

    Ma-Masya New Member

    I live in Semiluki. The city is situated on the right
    bank of the river Don.  In our town there are many attractions. For example
    there is a Monument to Soviet pilots. As well we have got a regional museum.
    But one of the best monument is a monument to the soldiers- aviators
    of the 2nd Air Army of the Voronezh Front.

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