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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Stivedef, 28 янв 2010.

  1. Stivedef

    Stivedef New Member

    Прошу, переведите на английский язык. только перевод не с гугла, связный и логический. Взяв в пример сборную Германии или же клуб БаварияМюнхен, выходя на поле, ребята выдают режим “только победа” и с первых же минут давят противника, показывая себя как мощный немецкий автомобиль, который готов рвать каждого, кто встает на пути. Баварцы играют ради красивого футбола, ради своих же болельщиков и ради того, чтобы радовать их, а не поскорее карманы набить.
  2. mika

    mika New Member

    Having taken in an example German national team or Munich Bavaria club, leaving in the field, children give out the mode "only victory" and from first minutes press the opponent, proving to be as the powerful German car which is ready to tear everyone who follows ways. Bavarians play for the sake of beautiful soccer, for the sake of the fans and to please them, instead of to fill pockets somewhat quicker.
    And so, to win, certainly the person who of the head will beat out and direct all nonsense on a right way, the person with experience is necessary. Such recently appeared in our national team - Fabio Kapello. With its arrival a lot of things exchanged. And as, it seems to me that it is time to involve a youth team in the national team. These are young children, full of strength, not spoiled meanwhile money, with lucid minds and irresistible desire to win and love the business.
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