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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем BETEP, 2 янв 2010.

  1. BETEP

    BETEP New Member

    Рассказ об Испании на английском языке
  2. bumble-bee

    bumble-bee New Member

    In the summer I with my dad and mom went to Ispaniyu.Tam we went to Aqueduct - the most famous monument of Segovia and one of the most famous monuments of the Roman period in Spain. Aqueduct is covering Plaza.Potom we went to the botanical gardens of La Rioja provdnik said that garden area of 20 thousand square meters and nemmnogo derevev.Etot beautiful botanical garden founded by Antonio Bartolome. He began his work in 1980, but officially Botanical Garden was opened in 2005

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