Свое мнение "Нужен...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем bibibi, 7 янв 2010.

  1. bibibi

    bibibi New Member

    Свое мнение "Нужен ли мобильный телефоны и для чего" Показать 2 точки зрения.Написать 10 предложений на английском языкепожалуйста(
  2. Ihor

    Ihor New Member

    Nowadays, a lot of people spend more time to send sms, to call somebody. That is necessary to support connect with other people so far. But all have as positive so as and negative hands.  The phone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 year. That was the greatest discovery. This opening shook the whole world. But this device gives radiations. Therefore I prefer to use phone at least. And how people say: “Eat with pleasure, drink with measure”( то есть, все должно иметь меру)

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