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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Кабан, 13 мар 2010.

  1. Кабан

    Кабан New Member

    Составить 10 предложений по английскому языку с артикулом "э" в начале предложения
  2. Maneken

    Maneken New Member

    1)  A great wind carried me along.
    2)  A hot day in the afternoon or in the early evening is the most likely time for this dangerous storm.
    3)  A cloud then forms a funnel and begins to twist. 
    4)  A terrible noise was coming from the ground.
    5)  A wagon stood near, and in it there were a lot of cages containing small birds.
    6)  A small boy with a stick pushed' one back.
    7)  A lion without his strength, an eagle without his freedom, or a dove without his mate, all die, it is said, of a broken heart.
    8)  A cowboy helped me to carry him to the shed where Blanca lay.
    9)  A small dog's trail is very much like that of a fox, but each has it characteristics.
    10) A is a dog's trail, 5 is a fox's trail.

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