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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Budimyr, 3 фев 2010.

  1. Budimyr

    Budimyr New Member

    Составьте рассказ, ответив на следующие вопросы: 1. Does your friend have a family? 2. Is her/his family large? 3. What membersdoes her/his family consist of?
  2. hawk

    hawk New Member

    Hi I have got a friend . My friend has a happy family . His family is very large . He has mother , father , sister and younger brother . Father work all time , he is a pilot . Brother also wants to follow his father. My friend's parents are not young. Sister Ann takes care of his family .Every weekends they go to the picnic with grandmother and grandfather . Many relatives has his family . Aunt and uncle came to them last week . They was born in Kiev , but now they live in Khabarovsk . Usually relatives come to us once a month. Thank you for your attention.

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