Сочинение на АНГЛ,ЯЗ...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем andrei_tel, 26 янв 2010.

  1. andrei_tel

    andrei_tel New Member

    Сочинение на АНГЛ,ЯЗ на тему"МОДА И ОДЕЖДА"только не с Инета !!!!!ПЛИЗ СРОЧНО(((((((

    GENERAL-LEE New Member

    Presently the fashion always is various. Each dress or suit contains something bright or new. In the world there are a lot of fashionable people. At all at them there are a lot of various things. Is also black and red color. What only you won't wish. I too love fashion. I correspond to each its style. Houses, in clothes at me there are a lot of bright dresses. As I won't refuse sneakers or even jeans. It seems to me that each clothes allocate at once the person on his character. At someone things are gloomy the person himself gloomy and modest inside means. And at someone on the contrary there are a lot of cheerful clothes. In general I love fashion and I advise all of you to listen to it and not to choose gloomy dresses.

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