Сочинение нa aнглийском...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем ZAGORIK85, 19 янв 2010.

  1. ZAGORIK85

    ZAGORIK85 New Member

    Сочинение нa aнглийском языке нa тему письмо другу про погодуПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО НУЖНО помогите пожaлуйстa!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Звездочка

    Звездочка New Member

    Dear Simon, how are you?

    I'm doing very good, however, the weather here is crazy. Look for yourself: on Tuesday it was warm (+15) and sunny, we had a very bright day like the one you may see in spring. On Wednesday it became dull and cloudy, and it started pouring heavily. We had went out for Halloween trick and treating, and we came back home soaking wet. Today it's partly cloudy, but the wind blows really strong, and they say the temperature would drop to plus 3.

    I hope that you are doing good. Please drop me a line.

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