Сочинение о дружбе...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем MShmel, 3 янв 2010.

  1. MShmel

    MShmel New Member

    Сочинение о дружбе друзей
  2. 4ester

    4ester New Member

    It's important to have friends. I have a lot of them. But my best friend is my classmate Denis. He is fourteen. He is a tall boy with an oval face and brown eyes. His hair short and black. Denis Lives not far from my house. We usually go for a walk, play computer games, and do our homework together. I really like spending my time with him. Denis is a very good pupil. Sometimes he helps me with this or that subject.
     Denis loves sport and I am too.His fovourite winter sport is skiinig. In summer we cycle and go rollerblading in the park.
     We talk for hours about all sorts things. We discuss films, Tv programms , news.Best about him is that he is always willing to help and share his knowlage and feelings. I respect him for his fairness (справедливость), intelect and modesty.Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself. 

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