Very love any holidays, because during holidays it is notnecessary to go to school and do lessons. But more foreverything I like New Year. On New Year we buy a fir-tree and put it in the apartment inthe best place. Then begin her to decorate. We spread onher toys, candles, little electric light bulbs of different colors,silver rain from metallic foil, candies and paper snowflakes. Decorating a fir-tree; we begin to prepare a festive table. Wecut cheese, sausage, cucumbers and lay on piattis, bring in agalantine that already had time well to harden. Parentsprepare lettuce and baked. In the evening we sit down for a table. Come to the guest,children bring gifts, music plays, on television President ofUkraine pronounces festive congratulations. Finally is 12hour. We open bottles with champagne. Juice and lemonadeare poured children. Dances begin near a fir-tree. Аж here already and a morning is a morning of New Year.We go out on a court and begin to play snowballs. Then gofor a walk to the center