Тема: Игрушки из...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Naffix, 1 янв 2010.

  1. Naffix

    Naffix New Member

    Тема: Игрушки из прошлого. Нужно написать небольшое сочинение о игрушке(ах) своего(их) родителя(ей) за 6 класс, желательно с переводом))НУЖНОСРОЧНО!!!
  2. janina8

    janina8 New Member

    Sometimes toys are passed down from generation to generation. Children get the old toys that their ancestors and relatives had. These toys can be called "the toys from the past". Usually families who are lacking in the finanical department do these kind of customs, but even those not too wealthy can have this practice. Some toys can keep their condition and not get too old or broken, but in a few generations the toys everntually have to be thrown out, and sometimes even earlier. For children the old toys are something of a wonder, for it was the toys that their ancestors and relatives played with. They might try to imagine the fondness that the owner of the toy had before for it, and how much fun they had playing with it. And with that, their love for the toy doubles. 

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