Хвостики! The British...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем zonerik, 27 фев 2010.

  1. zonerik

    zonerik New Member

    Хвостики! The British are considered to have a strong sense of humour,? You have heared a lot about the British traditions of talking about the weather anddrinking a lot of tua,? Russia is made up of 88 subjects of the Federation,?
  2. akvamarin.777

    akvamarin.777 New Member

    The British are considered to have a strong sense of humour, AREN'T THEY?      
              You have heared a lot about
    the British traditions of talking about the weather and drinking a lot
    of tua, HAVEN"T YOU?                                                                
              Russia is made up of 88 subjects of the Federation, ISN'T IT?

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