Что вы думаете...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем SUPER FLAT, 3 мар 2010.


    SUPER FLAT New Member

    Что вы думаете о: 1. Having nine children in the family is OK.(Иметь в семье 9 детей это нормально.) 2. Birthrate in our cuontry hould bemuch higher.(Деторождаемость в нашей стране должна быть выше)
  2. m_gbo

    m_gbo New Member

    Everybody knows that children are flowers of owr lives. Some families have even flower gardens. And what can I tell about it?
    In my opinion it takes tremendous efforts to bring up for example nine children. Parents should love all of them. It takes attention and care to each of the children.
    On the other hand children can help a lot in the daily housework and bring their love and happiness to their loving parents)))) 

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