моя жизнь соченение...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Osmi, 18 янв 2010.

  1. Osmi

    Osmi New Member

    моя жизнь соченение на англизком спереводом
  2. prostoi

    prostoi New Member

    I'm ... ages. I live in ... , which is in ... I have a big and happy family: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, little brother and sister, who is 5 years. I'm very organised and every day go to school. Then after lessons, I return home and have dinner. Then, I always do my homework, and clean home: help my lovely mother. When I done it, I go to the park and swing or ride a bike. My brother teaches me how to ride. So when I return home and and have supper. I read book and go sleep. I go to bed at 10.00. Always, I sleep eight hours a night. I live my life.

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