намогите составить диолог...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем repetitor, 3 янв 2010.

  1. repetitor

    repetitor New Member

    намогите составить диолог по анг как-будто ты сидишь на радио с ведущим и разговариваешь о том, где ты путешествовал.плиииз!
  2. Ромашка

    Ромашка New Member

    I know, that you like travell very much.
    Yes,i like it.It is really exating.
    Where have you been?
    Oh,i travelled very much.I was in difrent country.My favourite city is London.It is the most beautifull town in the world.There are so nice moiment in London.You can not imagine this town,if you have not been in London.
    Greate.Thank you.

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