написать сочинение 15-20...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем goldfish, 14 фев 2010.

  1. goldfish

    goldfish New Member

    написать сочинение 15-20 предложений на тему:" your favourite dishes and how often you cook them".
  2. ded_boroded

    ded_boroded New Member

    My favorite dish is pizza. The first step in making pizza is to prepare a thin layer of dough. After it's thin enough, I lubricate it with a fresh semen. Then I put tomatoes, basilic, garlic, salmon, salami, chicken, mushrooms, sausages, creampie and cheese on it and bake it for about an hour. My family enjoys it so much. They often ask me to cook it, so I do it once a week. If I am angry with them, I also put some chili peppers. It was disastrous when my little brother tried it out.

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