напишите пожалуйста сочинение про Wales по плану: 1 Scenery 2 The capital the cities 3 The language 4 Inter estingfacts
London is considered to be not only the capital of the United Kingdom, but also one of the capitals of the world political, economic and cultural. It is the largest city and port in the world. In the i th century BC on the site of a Celtic settlement Romans created a city called Londinium. In 884, Alfred the Great made London the capital of the state, with 976 years of Anglo-Saxon domination of time the city became the seat of royal power. Now living in London 6.8 million people. Each year, one of them added millions of tourists who are attracted by the monuments, museums, theaters, concert halls of the city. The oldest part of London's so-called inner city or City (city of london). This district is the worst affected by the fires. Here are the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, the residence of the Mayor, City Hall, the Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey), St Paul's Cathedral and many other churches. At the site of the destroyed buildings now towering modern buildings of glass and concrete. Mixing old and new is not only contrasts, but also emphasizes that the City and still lives an active life of the business center of the world. In the eastern part of the City, on the banks of the Thames, the famous Tower of London, founded in xi century by William the Conqueror as a fortress. Subsequently, the building was rebuilt many times a royal residence, and then prison. Now in the Tower Museum, where, among other things, the British Crown Jewels are kept. Besides the castle, spread across the Thames Tower Bridge is a beautiful bridge in London. Turning from the Tower to the other, the southern bank of the Thames at London Bridge, you can see the Gothic cathedral, built in 1206. At the same bank of the Thames is a modern arts center in South Bank, major concert halls (Royal Festival Hall and Queen Elizabeth Hall), Lambeth Palace, the residence of the head of the Anglican Church, Archbishop of Canterbury.Stretches to the west of the City, along the Thames, elegant street Strand leads to the famous Trafalgar Square. The area is designed in the years 18291841, at its center is set 60-meter column in honor of Nelson's victory over frankoispanskim fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar (1805). On the area of modest church in the Gothic style, it regularly hosts concerts of early music. The National Gallery, built in the years 18341837 in the classical style, is located in the northern part of Trafalgar Square. It keeps one of the world's richest collections of European paintings, which includes the most valuable collection of Flemish masters, Italian and Dutch schools.