напишите пожал сочинения...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем yell, 31 мар 2010.

  1. yell

    yell New Member

    напишите пожал сочинения how would you describe your country or region and people who live there? -как бы вы описали вашу страну или регион и людей,которые там живут? надо про молдову я буду очень благодарен кто напишет !!!
  2. Ulrika

    Ulrika New Member

    I live in Moldova. There are a lot of people live there (about 3,6 millions). People in Moldova are very different. National language is moldowski. The capital of Moldova is Kishinev. President of Moldova is Nickolay Timofti. The biggest rivers are: Dnestr and Prut. It situated on south-west of the East European Plain.

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