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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем bolt171, 3 янв 2010.

  1. bolt171

    bolt171 New Member

    напишите сочинение на тему: Как преодолеть стресс? 15 предложений. по-английски. тольк не надо присылать сайт гуглапереводчика!
  2. anyfleur

    anyfleur New Member

    So how do you cope with stress ?
    quit smoking ;more often commune with nature ;from time to time go on a fishing trip ;make regular morning exercises ;unload emotionally ;find new hobbies ;streamline the working day ;plan work according to his ability ;systematically seek holiday time with family ;take everything philosophically ;switch to other activities ;to communicate with colleagues and arranged for you people ;change the usual environment ;Back to furniture, rearrange it ;to and from work to go on foot ;prior to the " estimate " plan for today and set yourself ;combine work in the office and in the field;alternate job, changing tactics ;never take work home ;not to delay the time for yourself and others ;outdoor recreation on their days ;establish a system of self-control ;learn to feel the stressful situation by increasing signs;always be prepared for the unexpected ;find interesting assistants ;unload itself by delegating authority .

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