напишите 10 вопросов...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Osta, 4 фев 2010.

  1. Osta

    Osta New Member

    напишите 10 вопросов на английском языке про Москву!
  2. partic

    partic New Member

    1. Who founded Moscow?
    2. When did Moscow become the capital of the principality of Moscovia?
    3. How was Moscow becoming the political and religious centre of Russia?
    4. When did Moscow become the most powerful of the Russian city-states?
    5. Why was Moscow declared the Third Rome and true heir of Christianity in 1453?
    6. Who was the first Tsar of All Russia?
    7. Why did Moscow become the main target of Napoleon's attack?
    8. When had the city been completely restored after the great fire?
    9. What is the population of the city now?
    10. How many museums are there in Moscow?

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