нужно вставить по...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем dudmax, 26 мар 2010.

  1. dudmax

    dudmax New Member

    нужно вставить по смыслу: have to, don't have to, can или can't. ______________________________________________________________
  2. m1r3k

    m1r3k New Member

     Обязательно пишете have to или doesn't have to с частицей  to. Так как  have переводится как иметь, а  have to, как must должен. 
    1)Did you have to wear  school uniform at your school or your school or is it optional?
    2) Can you get married when  you are 16 years old in our country?
    3) Sue can get  early during the week because she doesn't  work in the morning.
    4) They have to wash  the dishes and help prepare the food.
    6) They don't have to serve the customers because they aren't waiters.
    7) You can't go driving on your own, it's too dangerous.
    8) You don't have to have a partner.
    9) You can leave now if you want.
    10) You can't stay until 5 o'clock, it's not necessary.
    11) Can Monica use a computer in her new job?

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