нужно к каждому...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем ambrik, 25 янв 2010.

  1. ambrik

    ambrik New Member

    нужно к каждому предложению задать общий вопрос: 1)I am writing a test now. 2)My mother is cooking a cake. 3)Bob and Mary arecelebreating christmas.
  2. Irinка

    Irinка New Member

    1) Am I writing a test now?
    2) Is my mother coocking cake?
    3) Are Bob and Mary celebrating christmas?
    4) Are my grandparents walking?
    5) Is my friend's mother reading book?
    6) Are the pupils watering the flowers?
    7) Are wild animals eating meat now?
    8) Is the boy getting up now?

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