нужно ответить на...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Ronnie91, 1 янв 2010.

  1. Ronnie91

    Ronnie91 New Member

    нужно ответить на вопросы • What is meant by "good manners"?
    • Why are good manners important?
    • Are good manners universal (i.e. the same in all cultures)?

    say "please" and "thank you"
    don't interrupt
    arrive on time
    close your mouth when you chew or sneeze
    think before you speak
    shake hands when you meet
    use a quiet voice to chat
    be friendly to people
    don't phone late in the evening
    listen before you speak
  2. vasya13

    vasya13 New Member

    1)Manners of this type of breeding.
    2)Manners are important for the society and understanding. For the correct обшения.
    3)manners in all the countries of something but different.

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