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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем number_one, 15 мар 2010.

  1. number_one

    number_one New Member

    перескажите в косвенной речи Emily(E): They look nice, Rob. Try them on! Shop assistant(SA): How do they feel? Rob(R): Awful!They're too small.
  2. geisha

    geisha New Member

    Emily said to Rob that they looked nice and offered to try them on.
    The shopassistant asked how he felt.
    Rob answered that (видимо, речь идёт о туфлях?)the shoes were too small.
    But the shopassistant insisted that they were Rob*s size.
    Rob asked what was wrong with his feet and wondered if they had grown in a week.
    Emily told Rob not to panic and said she knew what it was. 

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