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Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем неманский, 11 янв 2010.

  1. неманский

    неманский New Member

    помогите ответе на вопросы mag waked in the park. the weather was fine. max will ride his bike next sunday. mag waters the flowers every morining. maxliked his scooter and shared it with me.
  2. alexbor

    alexbor New Member

    What did Mag do yesteday?mag waked in the park.
    What was the weather yesterday?the weather was fine.
    What will Max do next Sunday?max will ride his bike next sunday.
    What did Mag do every morning?mag waters the flowers every morining.
    What does Max like? max liked his scooter and shared it with me.

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