помогите!! сочинение на...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Afonia, 4 фев 2010.

  1. Afonia

    Afonia New Member

    помогите!! сочинение на нглиском на тему " як я готуюсь до дня народження" СРОЧНО!!!
  2. kolesa

    kolesa New Member

    Everyone has their own approach to the preparation of the birth. Usually, his birthday is celebrated at home with family and friends. My mother and grandmother and cook a lot of food, we have a lot of different drinks and dessert, a must-do. This year I decided to make myself a cake for guests. I took all the cookbooks and found a suitable recipe and then executed cooking. Fortunately, the cake vishil chic ... Everyone loved it. For friends I have prepared special contests, puzzles. Close to 10 pm we had a disco to loud music. That's how a lot of things I do to prepare for a birthday!

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