привет. нужно составить...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Igva, 24 фев 2010.

  1. Igva

    Igva New Member

    привет. нужно составить диалог на английском о школьной столовой . надо заинтересовать моего собеседника так чтобы он пошел в столовую . помогитепжл
  2. igrigr

    igrigr New Member

    -Hello! I'm going to the dining room. Do you want to go there with me?-Hi! I'm sorry, I don't like to eat there. I don't like dining rooms.-But why!? It is very comfortable. Nobody takes food to school! But everybody needs to eat correctly.-Possible, you are right. But it seams to me school's food isn't tasty.-You are wrong!  It is a tasty and healthy food. I like to eat there!-and how much money it costs?-Oh! very cheep!-Hm.. I want to eat there too..-Great! Удачи! Обращайся)

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