проверьте грамматику и...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем MTS_Grodno, 31 янв 2010.

  1. MTS_Grodno

    MTS_Grodno New Member

    проверьте грамматику и исправьте ошибки. The interaction of different management systems can lead to serious problems. Managementsystem in Russia, England and Germany is formed in different historical conditions. The differences in the culture of work are the most dangerous enemy for collaboration. If a company fails to cooperate with a foreign partner, it's bad for the status of the company, which must compete in the market.
  2. Silence_666

    Silence_666 New Member

    все правильно . проверял сам и через переводчик перекатывал все отлчино ,кстате не плохая тема

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