составить 10 предложений...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем OntarioMax, 1 янв 2010.

  1. OntarioMax

    OntarioMax New Member

    составить 10 предложений в прошедшем времени в прямой речи и перевести их вкосвенную
  2. xoxol2011

    xoxol2011 New Member

    He said " I want to go shopping!" - he said thad he wanted to go shopping.
    She said "I will do it!" - She said that she would do that.
    They said "We know it" - they said that they knew it.
    She said "I am working now." - she said that she was working then.
    She said "I must send him a telegram" - She said that she had to send him a telegram.
    He said " I will go there" - he said that he would go there.
    We said "We have already read this book" - we said that we had already read that book.
    She said "I was here yesterday" - she said that she had been there the day before.
    He said " i read the book yesterday" - he said that he had read the book the day before.
    He said " I was ill" - he said he had been ill.

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