• Придумать, по...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Olga1982, 14 мар 2010.

  1. Olga1982

    Olga1982 New Member

    • Придумать, по 5 предложений на каждое время (Мы их прошли только 4, настоящее, прошедшее ,будущее и инговое :D )(Предложения должны быть разных типов, отрицание, утверждение,вопрос).

    ХOTT@БЫЧ New Member

    She plays tennis, He doesn't like to read, Do they go to school every day?, I love my sister, Don't you have to be at practice?
    We are watching a film right now, I am not home right now, Is he staying up late?, She is not cleaning up the room, Isn't he sleeping?
    I will go to California next month, She will check up my homework as soon as she will get home, He will not call you back. Will you bring me a glass of water? Won't you be there tomorrow?
    I did my homework, She didn't hear me, did you read newspaper? Didn't you tell her the story? Did you visit grandmom?

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