1. Теперь я...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Always a Smile, 1 мар 2010.

  1. Always a Smile

    Always a Smile New Member

    1. Теперь я понимаю, почему я не могу открыть двери. Уже пять минут я пытаюсь открыть их не тем ключом. Ключ от этих дверей я забыл на работе. 2. Мой брат хороший писатель. Он написал несколько книг, которые стали известны во всем мире. Сейчас он работает над новой книгой.
  2. bork188

    bork188 New Member

    1.Now I see why I can't open the door. I have been trying to open with a wrong key for five minutes. I forgot this door key at work.
    2. My brother is a good writer. He wrote some books which became popular all over the world. Now he is working with a new book.
    3. We hoped he would have come at 8. But we were mistaken. His train arrived at 8. We were waiting for hime for an hour.
    4. Who were you talking with when I met you yesterday? A woman with whom I was talking had been my teacher of Spainish some years ago. I was glad to talk to her, because we did't see each other for 2 years.
    5. What' s wrong with you? I think I caught a cold. I have high temperature. If you are ill I advise you to call a doctor.
    6. What will you be doing tomorrow at 7? We'll come home at 6, we'll watch a film at 7. We'll have a dinner till 8 and at 8 we'll go for a walk.
    7. I haven't get letters from my friends for a long time. this week I have written some letters and I hope to recieve answers. 

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