10 вопросов про...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Morozik-Maksim, 14 янв 2010.

  1. Morozik-Maksim

    Morozik-Maksim New Member

    10 вопросов про Великобританию про еду,культуру,одежду....( можно на русском,можно наанглийском).
  2. DankoFF

    DankoFF New Member

    1. Englishmen eat dinner at ____ (6 p.m.)
    2. Who is a head of the government in the UK ____ (The Prime Minister)
    3. What a great historical event happend in 1066? (The battle of Hastings)
    4. The traditional drink of British is ____ (tea)
    5. The British money is ____ (pounds)
    6. In Britain people's weight is mesuared in ___ (stones and ponds)
    7. England consists of ____ (counties)
    8. What is a name of Brotish flag? (Union Jack)
    9. The London Royal Opera House is called ____ (Covent Garden)
    10. What is the most acient monument in Great Britain? (Stonehenge)

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