
Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем dimkacom, 25 фев 2010.

  1. dimkacom

    dimkacom New Member

    I. Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.Oleg Gromov, a Russian businessman, has come ... London to make a contract... English cars.

    Mr Lewis, his business partner, is phoning ... him to invite him ... a business lunch.

    Lewis: Well, Oleg, could you have lunch ... me today ... 12.30?

    Gromov: Thank you, John.
    Lewis: I know a good restaurant which is famous ... its Chinese

    cuisine. It’s only a few minutes’ walk ... your hotel.

    Gromov: How do I get there?

    Lewis: When you leave ... the hotel turn ... the left and go straight

    ......the street. The restaurant will be ... your right. It’s a

    beautiful building. You can’t miss it.

    Gromov: Good. See you ... 12.30 then.
  2. SeryjKot

    SeryjKot New Member

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