Although the British...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Sergei175, 11 янв 2010.

  1. Sergei175

    Sergei175 New Member

    Although the British usually like to complain about bad weather, they often use some expressions to put a brave face on it. Find out them:a) Never mind - it's good for my strawberries;

    b) It's finally decided to rain;

    c) I hope it'll clear up later;

    d) At least my cucumbers will be happy;

    e) Well, I've heard it's worse in Russia. They've got terrible heat.

    8)What type of house does this person live in?

    I live in a house that is arranged on only one story.

    a) cottage; b) detached house; c) semi-detached house; d) bungalow; e) terraced house.
  2. vsim

    vsim New Member

    1) c) I hope it'll clear up later;
    e) Well, I've heard it's worse in Russia. They've got terrible heat
    8) c) semi-detached house;

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