As a...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем zhenik1986, 11 янв 2010.

  1. zhenik1986

    zhenik1986 New Member

    As a teenager, Stella had a strange taste in clothes, so she was picked on/brought up quite often. 6 Instead of wasting/removing paper, why don't you useboth sides of the page to write on? 7 Jane and George got married in the States, so many of their ancestors/relatives from Scotland found it difficult to be there for the wedding. 8 Chris strongly objects/refuses to going out with his younger sister and her friends. 9 Working from home was a concept/policy that John wasn't really familiar with.
  2. Surjozny_Baradaty

    Surjozny_Baradaty New Member

    As a teenager, Stella had a strange taste in clothes, so she was
    picked on quite often.
    6 Instead of wasting paper, why don't you use both sides of the
    page to write on?
    7 Jane and George got married in the States, so many of their relatives from Scotland found it difficult to be there for the
    8 Chris strongly refuses to going out with his younger sister
    and her friends.
    9 Working from home was a concept that John wasn't really
    familiar with.

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