Ask questions: 1.Is...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем CUCIK-2, 24 янв 2010.

  1. CUCIK-2

    CUCIK-2 New Member

    Ask questions: 1.Is never snows in Africa(Where...?) 2.There is a lot of snow in Moskow in winter(Is...?) 3.He is wearing a T-shirt andshorts now(What...?)
  2. Artem

    Artem New Member

    where is never snows ?
    Is there a lot of snow in moscow in winter?
    what is he wearing now?
    are there some flowers in the fields?
    what animals are the cleverest?
    when do we celebrate st.valentine day?
    what did you send to my friend?
    who were at home?
    witn whom will he play volleyball?
    when does it often rain in london?

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