Change the passive...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем VIp.Ok, 13 фев 2010.

  1. VIp.Ok

    VIp.Ok New Member

    Change the passive into active in the dialog!-How was your weekend? was played by me and the game was lost by our team.what about you?
    -i was met by a friend in the street and a film was seen by us at the cinema
    -was it enjoyed by you?
    -yes.the ending was really loved by me and my friend
  2. ichiban

    ichiban New Member

    -How did you spend your weekend?
    -I played football and our team lost the game. What about you?
    -I met my friend in the street and we went to the cinema.
    -Did you enjoy it?
    -Yes. My friend and I loved the ending of the film mostly.

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