Check your grammar.Choose...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем dik0880, 23 янв 2010.

  1. dik0880

    dik0880 New Member

    Check your grammar.Choose the correct alternative1."......this week? - "No,he is on holiday"
    A - Is your father working / B - Does your father work / C - Does work your father
    2.Mary ..... chess once or twice a week.
    A - is playing usually / B - is usually playing / C - usually plays / D - plays usually
    3. Everything is going well.We .... any problems since we came here.
    A - didn't have / B - don't have / C - haven't had
  2. mishka_boo

    mishka_boo New Member

    Ответы на вопросы.
    1. B
    2. D
    3. B

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