Circle the correct...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Оленькаа19, 28 фев 2010.

  1. Оленькаа19

    Оленькаа19 New Member

    Circle the correct word.1.They/Their aren`t at home now.
    2.We/Our techer is from Rome.
    3.What are you/your names?
    4.We/Our aren`t from Warsaw.
    5.Where are you/your from?
    6.Their/They names are Simon and Claire.
  2. Grodno1128

    Grodno1128 New Member

    Circle the correct word.
    1.They/Their aren`t at home now.
    2.We/Our techer is from Rome.
    3.What are you/your names?
    4.We/Our aren`t from Warsaw.
    5.Where are you/your from?
    6.Their/They names are Simon and Claire.

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