Eхpress your opinion...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Наташа Л., 21 янв 2010.

  1. Наташа Л.

    Наташа Л. New Member

    Eхpress your opinion about becoming and being famous. Remember to say.what to do become famous;
    what helps people to become famous;
    about good and bad moments in being famous
    about the examples that can illustrate your ideas.
    Help! :с
  2. Mary May

    Mary May New Member

    Nowdays many people want to become famous,but other think that to want to become famous is silly. They may not have the nesessary qualities to  do it. These are: talent, determination, ability not to be put off by lack of success. The good moments are: financial freedom, tours or business trips, having fans. The bad moments: public humiliations, lack of privacy. Examples - think about the most recognised.

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