Everybody wants to...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем bboymax, 14 фев 2010.

  1. bboymax

    bboymax New Member

    Everybody wants to visit Astana. Astana already / become / the Capital of Kazakhstan.I don't often see Omar and Dmitry. They alteady / leave / for Astana.
    Asel is at home now. She is taking some medicine now. She just / visit / the doctor.
  2. Tatsiana-86

    Tatsiana-86 New Member

    Everybody wants to visit Astana. Astana have already become the Capital of Kazakhstan.
    I don't often see Omar and Dmitry. They have already left for Astana
    Asel is at home now. She is taking some medicine now. She have just visited the doctor

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