fiend a mistake....

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем pr.aleks, 26 мар 2010.

  1. pr.aleks

    pr.aleks New Member

    fiend a mistake. If a sentence is correct,write C, if not-correct it. 1Whom are you calling? 2He devided the apples betwin his threebrothers
  2. Igarekcool

    Igarekcool New Member

    1. Who
    2. divided
    3. grammar
    4. C
    5. doesn't like coffee
    6. plays basketball well(instead of "good")
    7. Margaret and me
    8. C
    9. who is coming
    10. at his problems
    11. the largest of two(without "the")
    12. is smaller
    13. C
    14. its young
    15. who is coming

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