funny story from...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем VICTIM, 7 фев 2010.


    VICTIM New Member

    funny story from my life не важно сколько слов..просто какую то историю нужно написатьспасибо
  2. I'm going to tell you about one funny incedent of my life.
    Well, it happened when I was 8 years old. It was the 1st of september.
    It was a holliday for me. A great holliday, the first time i went to school.
    We came to the class after ceremonial part of the holliday. There was many pupils and the teacher. the teacher asked su to sit down. And listent to her. I'd started listenning.
    Bur, suddenly I notticed a bee on my arm. It was just the most terrific incedent.
    I was really afraid. I stood up, then run away from classs with terrible screams.
    It was just the worst day in my life.
    But now, I and my classmates, remember that incedent with great laugth. 

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