I. Составьтепредложения с...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем marsipanja, 12 мар 2010.

  1. marsipanja

    marsipanja New Member

    I. Составьтепредложения с данными словами.

    Always, never, just, while, when, so far, at the
    moment, nowadays, seldom, yet, already.
  2. -TrOLiK-

    -TrOLiK- New Member

    My sister (brother, mother, etc) always cooks dinner.
    I never watch TV on Monday.
    Chloe is very nervous when she on board because she afraid of water.
    This book is better than that one by far.
    Jonh is planting tree at the moment.
    My mother was cleaning in my room while father was reading the newspaper.
    I already sent you the homework
    I seldom go to the circus with my little sister.
    I like painting animals yet
    Kate did coffee for her neighbor nowadays

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