Listen to the...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Tatiana, 4 апр 2010.

  1. Tatiana

    Tatiana New Member

    Listen to the weather forecast again and choose the best word. 1) It was ... (warm/cold) yesterday.
    2) It was ... (cloudy/sunny) yesterday.
    3) The weather is ... (nice/terrible) today.
    4) It is ... (warm/cold) today.
    5) It is ... (rainy/snowy) today.
  2. jokerrr

    jokerrr New Member

    1) It was cold yesterday.
    2) It was sunny yesterday.
    3) The weather nice today.
    4) It is warm today.
    5) it is rainy today.

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