Science / have...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Szkodnica, 3 апр 2010.

  1. Szkodnica

    Szkodnica New Member

    Science / have /do/not/We/year/this.have / autumn / When / you / will / holidays / your?
    lessons / Do / often / miss / you / the?
    reading / sories / holidays / I / detective / on / enjoy.
    know / school / What / do / your / about / you?
  2. Фоер

    Фоер New Member

    We don't  have science since this year.
    When will you have your autumn holidays?
    Do you often miss the lessons?
    I enjoy reading detective stories on holidays
    What do you know about your school?

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