They say Mr.Voronin...

Тема в разделе "Английский язык", создана пользователем Chudu, 20 фев 2010.

  1. Chudu

    Chudu New Member

    They say Mr.Voronin (warks/work/working/does working) in the office. Do you seldom stay (in/at/on/ничего) home? Our engeneers often(starts/start/starting/starten) work at 9 o'clock.
  2. funnycash

    funnycash New Member

    say Mr.Voronin (works/work/working/does working) in the office.
    Do you seldom stay (in/at/on/ничего) home?
    Our engineers often (starts/start/starting/starten)
    work at 9 o'clock.
    He lives in Berlin, (isn’t/doesn’t/livesn’t/does)
    She (meets/is meeting/meet/meeting) foreing
    businessmen every day.
    (have/has/is/are) there any contracts with GML
    Mary asks if we (would going/goes/will go/do go) to
    the country.  Usually they meet (from/after/in/from) lunch.
    He was charged with a serious
    She is (after/on/at/for) business.
    Mr.Brown came out of the office at 2 p.m.The car (was
    waiting/wait/waiting/is waiting) for him.
    She (am/be/are/is) a manager.
    He usually has lunch (for/at/in/on) 2 o’clock.
    It (am/to/is/are) a file.
    Where (where/is/was/are) you the day before yesterday?
    (Hertz/volt/walt/ampere) is the new unit of
    frequency adopted in 1960.
    Where is Jane?I am (tired with/tired about/tired
    of/tired to) waiting?
    They wonder how many customers we (has/have/having/do
    Britith Businessmen are interested (at/to/in/for)
    buying new models of planes.
    He … never … this name.(have heard/has heard/have
    Who (does speak/speak/do speak/speaks) three
    foreign languages in you group?
    There (amn’t/aren’t/isn’t/haven’t) his letters.
    We (have studied/has study/studying/studies)
    the contract from in detail.

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